it just feels real, real good right now...so what if i screwed up a few questions.. definitely not gonna let it affect me to a huge extent.. theres always gonna be a time no sulk once u receive them papers back..for now, im going to enjoy the fact that trials are over.. 6 days of waking up at weird times, where one day my paper is at 7am (yesss...7 am..no typo erorr), and the next day its at 11.30.. crazy right?? its time to replenish on sleep, and to enjoy the simple things in life once again.. and time to do a litle blogging too!! been a while right?
know what, at times right.. i do ask myself wheter am i studyin the subjects that i really want to.. science have never been my favourite, and chem has always been my worse subject throughout my secondary school days... would I have done anything differently if I could?? i really dont know.. how many of us actually want to do whatever we plan to do because of passion? im sure a bunch of us just wanna be doctors just because of society, where they place them on the highest level in the 'social pyramids'.. do i think a doctor should be so highly respected?? not really ..why do we look upto doctors, when they're doing whatever their job requires them to do.. shouldnt we look at those rubbish cleaners the same way too.. but hey, these are my thoughts and mine only..
btw, a few from our class had an outing yesterday.. at sunway pyramid as usual.. went ice skating for the first time.. and my skin on my toe come out a lil here n there.. ouchs.. ice skating is ok i guess, i think u gotta get a hang of it to actually like it.. dont like falling down tho, sakit abit ar..lolz.. also watched You, Me and Dupree.. which i felt was a very random movie.. parts that were suppose to funny didnt really hit my humour senses, and i guess most of us felt the same way too.. movie was abit of a letdown ar, maybe its cuz i find african amercian comedians much funnier.. they just seem to have more intelectual jokes.. lolz..
ohyea, dear's birthday passed just a few days ago.. hopefully she'll do her part and blog bout it.. :D.. hehe..
k,im off to get some much needed rest.. i need it..
ok, wait ..wanna say something..
"Who da f**k died and made you the fashion police.."