Godddammn.. Holidays are over dy, i start uni tommorow. Cant believe how fast time flies weh. but then again, it was only 2 weeks of break. worse thing is, first week isnt really like an intro week or antyhing, we're jumping straight into all the anatomy stuff tommorow..waddafack.
Internet is down at the moment, so im currently at the uni's version of a cyber cafe. heres a brief summary of what I've done for most part of the hollies:
1) watched Transformers 2 twice. First time watched coudlnt really concentrate alot. heh heh. Im sure every guy would agree la. Awesome movie tho. 100/10!
2) Watched alot of the confed cup, to the point that my sleeping time has been mixed up abit. I've been sleeping at 5 and waking up at 1pm. wonder how im gonna wake up b4 9am for tommorows class. dahla all first week classes are mandatory.. knn.
3)praying hard to pass exams. KNN IT WAS HARD
4)Stacking up on korean noodles which make up the bulk of my meals. yum yum.
5) Cleaning the house here n there. Cleaning the toilet was the worse. took me prolly 1 and a half hours to clean all the moss and stuff. yucks.
6) 2nd week, i prolly played basketball almost every day weh.Luckily a couple of friends din go back to Malaysia, so we kept ourselves busy playing ball , then had dinner, then would go over to Aarons place to have our Winning eleven ps3 challenge.
7) Went to sydney yesterday with the same bunch of friends, to catch Ice age 3d. lol.
8) I;ve been doing ALOT of writing and recording! seriously, ive never written and recorded so much within such a short of period of time. Theres that feeling of a sense of accomplishment. Only thing is that my korean housemate is at home as well, so quite malu wan record la.
9) And last but not least, missing dear. its so hard to chat with her, cuz her internets sometimes down, and now mine is down,. hopefully it gets fixed tommorow.
My mic at the moment! the thing behind is a reflexion filter, which helps create a nicer ambience.
That is my baby right there. A presonus firebox, tho 2nd hand(mic above is 2nd hand as well), it still sounds great and was def a bargai nfor its price. its basically an external soundcard la.
Behringer MS20 monitors, an old laptop, and a cheap pair of headphones up there. These monitors are super low budget, but i dont need expensive ones la. Monitors basically differ from ur usual speakers as they do not try to make your stuff sound nicer. They give u its original sound, so if you have a shitty take, it gives a shitty take. it doesnt try to 'color' ur sound.
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