Tuesday, July 17, 2007

After so long

I've been away from blogging for some time already. The reason : I dont need to point it out right? It's just that when such things happen, you would tend to have lost the mood to do such things..

Anyways, I've gotten better since a few days back.. Staying alone at Newcastle really isnt the easiest thing to do.. This place is boring ,lacks entertainment and everything closes at 5pm.. I managed to get through the first few months cuz dear has always been with me.. but now, alternatives are needed I guess..

Hence, I decided to bring my ps2 up along with me.. Only problem is, I've got no games to play.. I thought I would have games to keep me company, but then righ before I left Malaysia, i managed to beat that game thats just oozing with machoism, the one titled God Of War II. Took me bout 24 hours to finish that game on Normal level, and I prolly died close to a 50 times.. Yes, gaming does get frustrating at times.. Sooooo, anyone who has ps2 games that they are willing to send over to my place, do contact me alright. Im a big fan of sports game and action , im ok-ok with RPG's la, and I really really dont like games such as guitar hero, the dancing one's and so on.. You get the idea eh??

Ohyea, we've been webcamming quite alot since I got here.. Thats cuz im pretty free this week, with alot of time to kill and stuff.. allow me to introduce a new member in darling's ever growing collection of soft toys!!

Thats Doo Doo or is it Dudu?? dont ask me why she picked that name.. beats me.. haha.. And he's wearing my shirt!!!!

=) love u lots dear! hopefully this 4 months pass soon enough for me !

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