Friday, December 17, 2004

Some minor changes


Incase yall have yet to notice it, this blog has actually gone through some minor changes ,or should i say upgrades for the better..thanks to my co-partner.. =) Today was just like any other day , not much happened except for the fact that i fell sick.... got a flu , and constantly blowing your nose every few mins can become extremely irritating .. Besides that, i did the same usual stuff that i'd normally do during the hollies la..

Just a few minutes ago, while i was reading through a bunch of blogs and stuff when my dear had went out for supper, i came across a question.. " Why are people so interested in blogging anywayz" ... i mean, i never knew that writing bout my daily issues and activities could actually prove THAT satisfying, even if nobody reads it.. but wat or who actually started all this blogging craze ar..?? i mean, who came up with the idea in the first place..?? cuz if u wanted to write down what you did during a time or sumtin, u could simply use a diary,and save yourself the trouble of learnin all the html codes n stuff.. (thank god i got a co-partner in this.. I wud definately have died tryina learn the html codes ) .. and if u wanted to like,communicate or sumtin through a blog , u could just use chat programs...rite..?so why do we blog..??? to look hi tech and keep in touch with technology..?? actually, i myself do not know why i blog.. I guess its kinda like a trend thing or sumtin.. like when we were kids,every1 was crazy over digimon,pokemon n stuff.. and now as we get older, we find more mature 'toys' , which = blogging.. i wonder how long blogging will last tho. i know some people who have been blogging for more than half a year,close to a year,and some who blog for few days and then lost interest in it. (coughs *engjiun * coughs.. but you started blogging again eh..? ? )
k,ive gotta go now..
take carez and nitez/morning

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