Sunday, June 17, 2007

Last Paper!! =)

Read this! lol
I just saw these in the slides from my lectures.
Never realised it was there. Really cute. =)

Anyway.. Last PAPER TOMORO!
I cant wait!! Always loved the feeling you get when everything is over. *grinz*
Will be reaching jaybee at 8.10 in the morning. =)
On the 20th! Wheet!
Okay, i better get back to studying.
ps:// ive been playin my Animal Crossing ALOT today. =) So fun!!
Paid off my mortgage d. 150000 Bells i think. =)
Tomoro will be getting a "MANSION" cant wait to see it!
Then i can pretify my roomie the way i want!
I dont know wether my lazzy bummie roommate "andrew", andrew also started, but havent done anything. We have to share the same house now, and he keeps on sleeping. Oh yea, I hope he dosent move in with me tho! lol. =) I wan it all for myself.
Wish me luck for tomorows exam! *crosses fingers*

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