Friday, June 01, 2007

Chocolates! =)

Chocolates were on sale yesterday. =)

So bi and i grabbed 10 bars. Which only cost us 10 dollars!

But because of that, we overspent as well. Yesterday, we bought so much junk food, I dont think we have food to last us for the week. And i mean, real food, like chicken and stuff.
Bought butterscotch ice cream, frozen cheese cake, seaweed!, spicy cashew nuts, and.. i cant rmb. But yea, we overspent! like 10 dollars. hehe.
And oh oh, just as I was so excited to munch on my chocs! I grew an ulser on my lip, and am having a sore sore throat. hmph.
I think im going to die though. Yesterday was lab sessions with brains. And they reminded us last week to rmb to wear 2 layers of gloves. Cos the brain has prions, which are proteins. And bi said this was what caused mad cow disease! And i only remembered after playing with 2 brains.
soo.. mooooooo
Last year, Priya was telling us about how her brother played with brains during lab sessions in India, and i rmb all of us being so disgusted. But hey, it wasnt so bad. Makes us rmb stuff even better thought. So im glad Newcastle has cadavers for us to look at. =)
Makes me even happier coz i always thought i would be freaked out, but im not! So maybe i can even do surgery after all! lol
Studying was allright today.. Started on Anatomy, but the only thing i rmb bt the lower limb is. Gluteal erm......maximus! and that is ur butt muscle.
And the hamstrings! Which are made up of muscles. I cant rmb what they are. *smack head*
So I stopped, and started on Working Problem 1. =)
Am going to finish Working Problem 2 in an hour i guess! Whee!
10 more WP's to go!
Its 5.37 and its dark outside. The sun sets at 5 over here. lol. Weird huh.
19 more days before im home! God! Whee!!!
love lots,

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