Whee! done with Public Health!
Hopefully i wont have to repeat this course.! =p
Well. it was not that bad.. but i made 2 mistakes d, that i noe of.
One was because i was tooo precise for my answers, that i didnt noe that it can also meant that way.
Another wan was.. haha, i just forgotten how to interpret it. Hopefully I wont lose too many marks there. *prays* =(
So.. yea.
Professional Practise tomorow!
Gotta go remember all the stupid Acts, and learn what a doctor should and should not do.
Grr. Boring, but extremely HARD.
Andrew says hie. He has one comfirmed answer wrong. hmph.
Btw, did u noe autralians DONT last minute study outside the exam hall?
LOL, all the malaysians were reading notes, but they were just selamba-ing outside.
And there were sooo many people who went out before the time ended.
Jeez, smart ppl. hmph
Love Lots,
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