Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grocery Day Again = one week has Passed??

Blogging a little post before i get a bath, and get ready for Uni,
Its 12.09 now! and i got classes at 1! =) I hope i get the same group as bibi next time, then i wont be so lonely at home.. =(
Dont even think im gona have lunch yet. Maybe at 2, when i finish my Anatomy Lab class. Today, we're gona learn about the abdomen. So probably going to see cadavers again.
kewl.... blood.. meat... veins..
Oh yea, something very funny my lecturer said. If u see anything green and brown on the cadavers, dun squeeze it. Unless you want shit and bile on ur face. haha.
Was suppose to study a little today, but there are soo many things to remember! Its true when they said your vocabulary will increase by another 10000 words by the end of the medical course. Ive learnt sooo many new words in just a few weeks.!
Thursday is here again, meaning shopping! We have to get lotsa lotsa meat this time, coz we're onl left with 2 pathetic sausages. Oh yea! Yesterday we made lasagne! =) I thought it was not gonna work out. But suprisingly, it did! and it was delicious!!!
Will post up a picture of it maybe tonight. =)
Im gona try to cook chinese food for the next week, been eating alot of western. I feel like im puttting on weight.! But its a good thing =)
Tasha! Ur TLC didnt work. I guess it got caught somewhere in Melbourne or Perth. =( Im sick!! Im losing my voice, trying to get the phelgm out, but it dosent work... =( And im having a flu now!
I had a funny funny dream yesterday. =) It was so weird. I dreamt i was wearing earings, but they were really just hair clips. So i kept taking it out, coz it hurt realll bad... and the funny thing was, the next thing i knew, there earings were on me again!! Happened a few times until i woke up, and realise that my i slept in a way, that my ears were "kemek-ed" and they really really hurt in a real life. =) Weird huh, how dreams are!
Okay, i have to go bath now, and grab a little something to eat.
Then wash some dishes, and on my way I am to Uni!
p/s, love ya too kay, take care of dadda! and study hard! stop talking on the phone, wait got ear infection.!

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