Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rum Raisin

Its funny how when someone does something, and another person goes.
"How can she do that?" "He is a bastard" "Why is she treating him like that?"
And then, that someone does the same thing
Its funny how some people "worship" some people. And everything she or he does is perfect.
But if someone elses does what the "great" person does, then people will look at that someone funny. For that perfect person, they even forget friends that were there for them since donkey years ago.
That was all based on a third persons view.
Today was good. I had to wake up for ONE lecture, and i was free for the day.
When to the gym, and ran 2 km!! thats the most i can do. I didnt sweat at ALL. grr..
Fat Woman 2
Im putting on weight. hmph. =( MUST DO MORE EXERCISE.
Skipping a tutorial class tomoro morning coz im too lazy to wake up
Gunjan said that i just needed the paper anyway, so I'll just get it from bi, who had the tutorial today. So tomorow is just 2 hours of tutorial, and 2 hours of Media Production.
Studied a little today! =) And, am goin to continue after blogging.
Realise that i have been so anti-social recently. I just love locking myself in my room and hoping nobody knocks on it.
Its in the genes i tell u. Dadda's fault!!!
I was gona end this post by saying Fertilization, here I come!
But i guess, that wud be unappropriate.
*Shoudnt have stopped ballet when i was young, lol*

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